Books & Writing
I have written five successful books on psychology, dating, relationships and sex and have another title in preparation. I also write regularly for a number of publications, on a wide range of topics from general psychology and behaviour to celebrity relationships and all aspects of reality TV.



How Psychology Works
As in her role as Consultant Editor, Jo Hemings, a leading Behavioural Psychologist, explores the human mind and understands the science behind how you and other people in your life think and act in a wide range of everyday situations in this brand new visual guide to applied psychology.
Using straightforward definitions and clear, striking visuals, How Psychology Works makes the workings of the brain easy to understand and shows what happens when things go wrong, with information on disorders such as anxiety and paranoia, as well as explanations of the different therapies that are used to treat them, from CBT to psychoanalysis, group therapy to art therapy.
Clear and easy to understand for both students and readers with a general interest, this book explores and explains the various approaches that psychologists use to study how people think and behave, such as behaviourism, cognitive psychology, and humanism. It also shows how these approaches can be applied to real-world situations, with examples from the workplace to the sports field, the courtroom to the classroom. Learn why psychology plays a huge role in all of our lives and develop a greater understanding of what influences our behaviour, thoughts and feelings, and those of others, in a variety of environments and scenarios.

Be Your Own Dating Coach
Be Your Own Dating Coach is an upbeat, positive and humorous look at understanding yourself better, increasing your self-esteem, having more fun and getting the relationships you want and deserve.
In short, it will show you how to coach yourself to a better love life. Written in two halves, one for men and one for women.
A relationship coach in a book. Ever wondered why you make the same dating mistakes time after time? What seemed so promising at first simply dwindled into yet another disappointment. Or do you rarely get beyond the first or second date? Do you yearn for a long-term relationship but find yourself drifting from relationship to relationship? Or do you feel trapped when you really just want to have fun? Taking a step back from your busy life while taking a good yet honest and dispassionate look at yourself is never easy.

Sizzling Sex
At last a sex book, that tells – and shows – you just how it is in a direct, intelligent and no-nonsense way. Knowing how to ‘do’ sex doesn’t necessarily mean excitement, fulfilment and fun any more than knowing how to boil an egg to runny perfection makes you an expert chef.
Written with humour, warmth and above all candid advice, Sizzling Sex is the ultimate recipe book to take your sex life to a whole new level of deliciousness. Intimate and explicit, amusing and arousing, Jo Hemmings’ guides you through a sexual menu that will take you from the very essence of libido and chemistry through to tricks, tips and techniques for mind-blowing orgasms and simple-to-sexpert positions as well as a feast of fantasy and role-play. Crammed full of do’s and don’ts for setting the mood, teasing, pleasing and playing naughty and much more, the ingredients are all laid bare for your delectation.
Raunchy, risqué and revealing, and packed with stunning, lavish and erotic photos, Sizzling Sex is the perfect blend of starters, main courses and side dishes to take your sexual appetite from lukewarm to roasting hot!

How to Have Great Sex
When you want to buy or rent your dream home, you go to an estate agent. When you want to learn to cook, you buy a recipe book from TV’s latest celebrity chef. But who is there for you when you want to learn about having great sex? Or when you want to revive a flagging sex life? “How to Have Great Sex” is the answer.
This step-by-step guide takes you from the underrated pleasures of a good snog through to the best positions for having that quickie in a forbidden place and gives you all the advice you need on: how to initiate sex; how to enjoy casual, safe sex; how to make love to the same partner for the rest of your life; how to talk dirty; and, how to give and get great oral sex.
Whether you are a novice wanting to move on from the basics of the missionary position, or an experienced lover aching to know how to pep up your sex life, you’ll find it all explained within these sheets in explicit, intimate, fun and supersexy detail.

Sex Games
Spice up your sex life with this fun and sexy guide to the world of fantasy and role-play. “Sex Games” takes you on a journey to explore how you can increase your pleasure with an array of games, toys, props, scenarios and the sheer power of your imagination. Starting with some simple tips and techniques to help fuel your fantasies and put them into practice, this raunchy guide then leads you through to the more adventurous stuff. No matter what your deepest desire or naughtiest kink is, “Sex Games” provides the inspiration for a passionate and fulfilling sex life.
Go ahead and enjoy…

The Dating Game
Recent statistics reveal that there are more single people than ever before in the UK. Some have not yet married; others are divorced or separated. People’s needs and wants differ, but financial independence means that these have shifted radically during the last few decades of the 20th century. Technology such as e-mail, mobile phones, text- and picture-messaging, and speed dating and Internet dating sites have radically changed meeting, dating and matching patterns. In the 21st century, relationships are big business, with a plethora of TV shows dedicated to matching people and self-help books claiming to show you how to capture and keep a partner.
The Dating Game tells you how it is: the pleasures, pitfalls and fun of dating for dating’s sake without the jargon or too-serious advice on how to drag your man up the aisle in the fastest possible time. This book tackles the following dilemmas, plus many more: to flirt or not to flirt? When is showing an interest looking too obvious – or worse, desperate? How do you dress on a date? Where do you go and what do you talk about? It also delves into the minefield that is sex, with all its expectations and confusions.